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In a major declining trend, India on Sunday witnessed the lowest spike of daily coronavirus cases since April 6, as the country saw 1.14 new cases in the last 2...
#Covid19 #Covid #Corona #Coronavirus #NationalData #PositiveCases #Odisha #OTVNewsIn a major declining trend, India on Sunday witnessed the lowest spike of dail...
A day after reporting the lowest cases since April 8, India saw a slight uptrend in Covid infections and deaths. As many as 1.32 lakh fresh cases were recorded ...
#COVID19 #India #PositiveCases #Recoveries #CovidDeaths #OTVNews #CovidHorror #COVID19 #CovidSurge #CovidSecondWave #Odisha #OTVNewsThe Covid-19 graph in India ...
This Video gives you Information and stats about current situation of India's COVID19 Pandemic. Please follow us for daily updates and other much more informati...